martes, 30 de abril de 2013

The begining of Nirvikalpa

There is one day that is very different from all the previous days you have lived before. That magical day you start your new Divine life in the state of nirvikalpa. That day your meditation is very deep and intense, and your body gets filled with eternal joy and peace. 

Then you start your first day in your new life and to your surprise you experience that during all day you feel the same experience of joy and peace. Even if you have to face any difficulty in your worldly life still the joy remains with the same purity. Then you realize that something has changed inside yourself. Now you are something different from before. Now the worldly problems are not touching your souls. You are far away in the realm of divine love. 

Then in the night you go to bed and just before entering into the bed you feel the Divine Goddess Kundalini vibrating in your Brahmarandra, as it has been during all day, and the waves of joy vibrate all your body. May be at that point you may think, what a wonderful day I had! But then the next day is just the same and every day is just the same. The joy becomes eternal, the peace untouchable. 

In the beginning of Nirvikalpa you may still get some catches from the outside and at that point the flow of Divinity in the central channel may be interrupted. Then the experience of joy and peace disappear during sometime and though you have already entered into the next stage of evolution you may think that you have to go again to the suffering and worries. But actually that's not the case. You are already in the stage of purity and you only need to go back to the meditation to allow the Divinity inside yourself to remove that unbalance and then again the flow in the central channel will take you back to your new reality. At this point the meditation should become the most important thing for us. Whenever we get any unbalance or catch from outside we have to keep the meditation till that catch is removed. You will be surprised how your meditation works now and how you can get clear easily. But we have to keep always in mind that the clearance is done by the Divinity itself so we have to just focus our attention in the chakra which is catching and allow the Divinity to work it out. This process may take from ten minutes to two or more hours, but once it has worked, we will be able to settle down in our new state and enjoy throughout the whole day. If you are able to do that your Kundalini will be vibrating 24 hours a day in your Sahasrara and you will be growing and going deeper 24X7. Then you will reach a point where you don't get the catches and the joy is never disturbed.

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