sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

The first step in Nirvikalpa, the awakening of Mooladhara.

Once the central channel Sushumna nadi has expanded and the flow of Kundalini is steady and intense we start our new life in the state of Nirvikalpa. There are different stages  in Nirvikalpa itself. The first step is the establishment of the purity and chastity in the Mooladhara chakra. Once we are able to go to deep meditation we have the key to achieve the treasures of our inner soul.

First we have to achieve the state of samadhi were the meditation is steady and we are one with the object of meditation and then sustaining the meditation in the object we are able to achieve the essence of that. Shri Mataji mention this in this video.  The sustaining of the meditation is very important as is only through it that we are able to go deeper and deeper in the essence of the object of meditation.

In the first step of Nirvikalpa we have to meditate and sustain the meditation in the first chakra Mooladhara, till we achieve the essence of the chakra. This means that we have to feel the experience of being that essence ourselves. This essence is basically the purity and chastity. The experience of Mooladhara is felling with great intensity that we are pure, that we are without any blemish, that we are just pure vibrations.

Once we have achieved this experience in the state of deep meditation, if the Sushumna nadi has expanded enough, this experience will change completely our awareness as we will be absolutely confident without any doubt that we are that purity. This experience will change us forever. We'll never doubt again about ourselves, even if we commit any mistake. We know that we are the purity. Even if other people try to criticize you in a collective way, you couldn't doubt again about yourself. You know what you are.

This first step in the Nirvikalpa state is extremely important as it is the main tool to keep the flow of joy eternally  in you. But this has to be a real experience.

For that we have to concentrate our meditation in the Mooladhara chakra. First we have to be able to get it balance and purify by the same meditation and then sustaining the meditation we would be able to go deeper and deeper till this experience manifest in our awareness. Till we achieve this goal we could just meditate in this chakra and the Sahasrara at the same time. In this way all the other chakras will be nourish and clear out. and the flow in the central channel will be enhance.

After having achieved this essence we will go deeper in it realizing that this purity is the nature of the spirit in ourselves and in the all world.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Meditation with the pitas on the Sahasrara

In this meditation we focus on the pitas in the Sahasrara and the chakras in the body to integrate them and help to expand the 1000 petals of the Sahasrara.

In this link Shri Mataji explain how to fix the attention in this pitas along the Sahasrara. Also in this other video Mother talks about this pitas.

What a blessing to get this knowledge from her!

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Meditation to improve the feeling of vibrations

It is very common to find yogis that despite  meditating for many years don't feel the vibrations clearly.

In this meditation we follow the path of the vibrations in the subtle body with our attention, which may help to develop the feeling of vibrations more clearly.

Hope you'll  enjoy it.