In the state of nirvikalpa the spiritual knowledge is always present. Only the knowledge allow the soul to remain in this blissful state eternally.
But what is this knowledge? This knowledge is the inner experience in the soul that everything is fill with the Divine energy. Every atom of this world is vibrating with the Divine energy. Everything is Divine inside ourselves as well as outside. When the soul experience this knowledge all the mundane worries disolves once for ever. Then we know that there is one energy which is our most inner self which is pure without any blemish and of the nature of Divine love. Only when we realise the only existence of this Divine love in ourselves we are able to see it in everyone and in everything.
At the same time we realise that this energy of Divine love does everything in the world. Everything is planned and completed by her. This energy of Divine love workes all the time for the wellbeing of everyone and for the wellbeing of the world as one.
How to worry then for our personal duties when there is an energy which has all the powers who is taking care of it? Won´t be more wise just to surrender to this energy of love? We´ll be ourselves more capable than this energy which controls everything?
But the understanding of this subject is only realise in his full length when we achieve this experience in the meditation and this knowledge permuates all our cells completly. Then we will be able to remain in the blissful state where we know that everything is going to be alright. Everything is going to be perfect.
Sahaja Yoga is the divine gift of her holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to humanity. Through the awakening of the Goddess Kundalini in the spinal cord human beings get the enlightenment of the soul. This process has different stages but it is only when we have achieved the state of nirvikalpa that the enlightenment is really done. Before that we are just in the middle of the process and there is chance of losing it at any time. Hope this blog will be help you to achieve that state.